The Great List

It's a list of Great Things!

Monday, February 18, 2008

In Honor of Presidents Day

Lots of people seemed to enjoy my Valentines Day "Hot Old Guy" list, and this weekend I spent a lot of time ogling sexy presidents at the Portrait Gallery, so...

Presidential Order of Hotness

  1. Bill Clinton
  2. John F. Kennedy
  3. Franklin Pierce
  4. William Henry Harrison
  5. George Washington
  6. Teddy Roosevelt
  7. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  8. Jimmy Carter
  9. Benjamin Harrison
  10. Ulysses S. Grant
  11. Andrew Jackson
  12. Thomas Jefferson
  13. Gerald Ford
  14. James Garfield
  15. Rutherford B. Hayes
  16. Andrew Johnson
  17. Zachary Taylor
  18. Woodrow Wilson
  19. William Taft
  20. Ronald Reagan
  21. Chester A. Arthur
  22. Abraham Lincoln
  23. James Polk
  24. John Tyler
  25. William McKinley
  26. James Madison
  27. Warren G. Harding
  28. Harry S. Truman
  29. John Adams
  30. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  31. Herbert Hoover
  32. Lyndon Johnson
  33. James Monroe
  34. Grover Cleveland
  35. George H.W. Bush
  36. Millard Fillmore
  37. James Buchanan
  38. Richard Nixon
  39. Calvin Coolidge
  40. Martin Van Buren
  41. John Quincy Adams
  42. George W. Bush
Order of Founding Father Hotness (not including presidents)
  1. Alexander Hamilton
  2. Paul Revere
  3. Benjamin Franklin
  4. John Hancock
  5. Gouverneur Morris
  6. Thomas Paine
  7. John Marshall
  8. John Jay
  9. Patrick Henry
  10. George Clinton
  11. Elbridge Gerry
Order of First Lady Hotness
  1. Jackie Kennedy
  2. Grace Coolidge
  3. Lady Bird Johnson
  4. Letitia Tyler (1st wife of John Tyler)
  5. Rosalynn Carter
  6. Betty Ford
  7. Dolley Madison
  8. Pat Nixon
  9. Julia Tyler (2nd wife of John Tyler)
  10. Elizabeth Monroe
  11. Sarah Polk
  12. Hillary Clinton
  13. Edith Roosevelt (wife of Teddy)
  14. Helen Taft
  15. Mamie Eisenhower
  16. Laura Bush
  17. Lou Hoover
  18. Jane Pierce
  19. Frances Cleveland Preston
  20. Abigail Adams
  21. Louisa Adams (wife of JQ Adams)
  22. Lucretia Garfield
  23. Ida McKinley
  24. Eleanor Roosevelt
  25. Edith Wilson
  26. Florence Harding
  27. Julia Grant
  28. Nancy Reagan
  29. Lucy Hayes
  30. Elizabeth Virginia Truman
  31. Barbara Bush
  32. Ellen Wilson (1st wife of Wilson)
  33. Martha Washington
  34. Caroline Harrison (of Benjamin Harrison)
  35. Margaret Taylor
  36. Mary Todd Lincoln
  37. Eliza Johnson (of Andrew Johnson)
  38. Abigail Fillmore
For those keeping track at home, that makes:

The Hottest Power Couple: The Kennedys

The Presidential Sitcom Couple (hot wife, not-so-hot hubby): The Coolidges (Although he was a cutie when in college at Amherst. Just aged poorly. But his wife was smokin'.)

And the opposite (hot hubby, not-so-hot wife): The Washingtons (Also, to be fair, Martha was cute when younger. It's just she became wrinkled Martha Washington whiles her husband arguably got more attactive as he got older.)

Hottest Time Century for the Mens: 19th century
Hottest Time Century for the Womens: 20th century
Best presidential clothes (men): late 18th century
Best first lady clothes (women): 1900-1930

Disclaimer: This list is subjective and was developed in less than an hour. Therefore it should be treated as the word of god.

Also, (as in real life) the objectively attractive have been known to fall in position due to their rotten personalities (see GW Bush). Conversely, those who are objectively unattractive may rise in position due to their more attractive personalities (see Abe Lincoln).

Agree? Disagree? Leave a comment, why don't you?


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