The Great List

It's a list of Great Things!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Great Fun Movie Romps (first incarnation)

This topic is meant to address the movies that didn't quite fit comfortably in the drama or comedy list and movies that aren't necessarily GOOD, but are a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

Fun Movie Romps

  • Aliens: My favorite of the franchise, although, yes, I missed number 3. We watched this movie in my Gothic literature class. It's very deep, actually, but more than that it's just a good romp. Bitch!
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: I should get this question out of the way and say that it's my favorite Indiana Jones film, even though everyone in the world says it ought to be Raiders. Well, I like Raiders a lot, too, damn it, but it just doesn't have Sean Connery in it. This movie is a load of fun, and as I think of it a million fun scenes leap instantly to mind. And the dialogue is fun, too: "All I have to do is scream!" Heh, Austrians.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Yes, the end was FAR too long, but after waiting since I was ten to see it, I wasn't in the position to complain the first time. But the good parts of the film overshadow any slow parts.
  • Pulp Fiction: This movie could be on either of the other two lists, but as it is so defiant in terms of genre, I'll just put it here. This is a movie with no point at all, as far as I can tell, and yet I watch it over and over. It's just so interesting and so funny and so messed up in every way. And Sammy. We all love Sammy.
  • The original Star Wars trilogy, especially A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back: Do they have a purpose? No. But who the hell cares? They are amazingly fun and, more importantly, have excellent characterization, something Lucas forgot about in the new trilogy (NooOOOoooOOOo!). I especially love the SLOOOOWWW beginning of A New Hope, which detractors dislike. It's really fun and different, a real page out of Kurosawa's book (The Hidden Fortress has samurai R2D2 and C3PO in it, as well as a highly annoying incarnation of Princess Leia). And the pacing and dialogue in Empire, for the most part, are PER-FECT. I've said it before and I'll say it again: a great date movie for nerds.
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark: There. It's here. Are you happy?! (ps: I love Marion.)
Good Fun Movie Romps
  • The Goonies: Epitomized my childhood, along with the Indiana Jones movies. It's very like an Indiana Jones movie, too, except with foul-mouthed kids, including an adorable Sean Astin. "Hey you guuuyyyysss!"
  • Independence Day: Oh man, this movie is sweet. Stupid? Yes! Long? Yes! Glorious? Oh yes! My favorite bad action movie but really its great so shut the hell up movie...which often feature Jeff Goldblum. Jurassic Park is fun, too, but doesn't have the lightness and over-the-topness of ID4.
  • Kill Bill: Volume 2: I have to admit I had mixed feelings about volume 1, which was a lot of pretty violence without purpose. Volume 2 had purpose and more interesting violence, and it even had heart, which the first volume was sorely lacking. I was highly surprised to find myself very involved in the Bride's story and really rooting for her to win. Well done, Tarantino.
  • The Princess Bride: Another movie I didn't really like the first time I saw it. It grew on me. Sue me.
  • The Rock: Maybe the best bad action movie ever. It's incomprehensible AND stars Sean Connery. Soooo ridiculous. In a good way.
  • South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut: There are parts that drag (the Hell scenes, especially), but overall it's a load of dirty, dirty fun.
  • The Terminator 2: Judgment Day: Easily the best of the lot, even though it stars a stupid kid actor. Sarah Connor is BADASS.
  • True Lies: This movie is interesting in that it is a bad action movie that knows it is a bad action movie and is making fun of itself for being a bad action movie but all the same it really IS a bad action movie and that all makes it good. Arnold's best role ever.


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