The Great List

It's a list of Great Things!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Great Purpose of the Great List

As you all know, I'm an opinionated person, particularly when it comes to various media. Even my mother has been known to say, "Shana, you hate everything. Why can't you like something once in awhile?"

My mother is exaggerating, if only a little. I do like a lot of things. And some things I like a lot.

Because I hate on so much and because I expose myself to a lot of media instead of "sleeping" or "socializing," people tend to ask me to recommend things to them. Now I'm putting all of my recommendations here in one place for you all to access them at any time. Hurray! Hurray for you!

This Blog is called The Great List, since things I like a lot I often call "great." "Great" is a word that gets thrown around quite often, but as I dislike much in the world, I save the title of "great" for a precious few. Other things I will label "good," a term that carries the connotation of "crap" on many other sites, but by which I really mean "good." Underneath "good," which is also sometimes known as "solid," comes "eh," followed by "crap," followed by "utter crap." A very small number of things I call "perfect," but these generally are just great things that happen also to be personal favorites of mine, too.

I hope you all can use this list to wade through the rivers of crap out there, and if you have any suggestions to me, I'd love to hear them. My netflix queue only has 200 movies on it at the moment :)

Also, if you have suggestions for future Great Lists, I'd love to have them, although I reserve all rights not to respond if I don't know enough about the topic. And if you say "Great Types of Poop" in your comment...well, I'll probably do it, but I'll also call you uncreative behind your back. And you won't like that, 'cause you're insecure.

Heh. Poop.


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